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Low spend day

July 7th, 2005 at 03:57 am

Fairly uneventful day. Anniversary of my sister's death, so I planned to take it easy on myself as much as possible. Did need to fedex some stuff out for mystery shopping, but didn't have the package I wanted to send personally appropriately wrapped... Spend $5.13 Jrecks, $.50 in chips. Following the good example of at least one other member also signed on with ING. Since I bought the tax software that will be a $50 return. Still have to work like the devil to figure a way to turn $20 into $1000, but at least it's a start. My total expense for that project is $5 so far. Unreasonably exhausted, figure it must be grief. Better than shopping, or wayyyy overeating. Forgot to post yesterday's gas $5.19.

Help me improve this weekend's spending

July 6th, 2005 at 03:56 am

Let's see. The movie was a big expense, but no library rentals would do since no player worked. Cheap theater would have messed up his schedule, which I've been trying to normalize. Big difference in behavior when he has an idea of what to expect, even if it's because we talk about the possiblities for the day the night before. Clothes... could have, for myself would have gone to a thrift store but his mom would throw the clothes out. Not much savings if he's not allowed to wear them. Didn't buy junk food this trip at the grocery store, and hadn't shopped much recently. Sunday paper is the only newspaper I usually buy, and often save $$ due to ads; 3 grocery stores nearby, shop for deals aka cherrypick. First weekend I can remember when I didn't take him out to eat at all, or me either as far as that goes. Any critique? I need to do better!

Lowering spending

July 6th, 2005 at 03:47 am

Ended up with my grandson this weekend more than usual. He was dropped off Friday, and we watched the same videos he loves over and over. Great until the VCR stopped working. It was given to us used, and we did use it for months problem-free, when the original owners couldn't do anything with it. Saturday we had breakfast at home, then off to run errands. We also picked up a Elmo shirt/underwear set for $5.50, then went to a movie ($13 admission, $4.75 kids reel deal, free popcorn from reward program for Nana). Made dinner, and hearty lunch snacks of fresh fruit, entertained by reading books and playing blocks until the little darling fell asleep. When his mom picked him up I went to church ($5 donation this week), and bought the newspaper $1.75. Also bought a printer ($50 after rebate, biz model, $20 after rebate for a dvd player that shouldn't whistle while I watch. VCR broken... Looked online, think I may have found a pattern to turn fabric into superhero cape that I, a non-sewer, can handle. Grocery shopping ~$48, gas ~$10, and back home to roughhouse for a while. Dropped off late night... Monday morning Mom came to get him, then I made some dinner for work and off I went. $5.19 gas today, but otherwise a no spend day. Forgot: shopping on Saturday found a great sale that meant I could buy shirt (1/2 dressy), shorts (khaki) and jeans for little buddy, all for ~$18.50. For a long holiday weekend a very cheap one...

Being more accountable, yeah!

June 30th, 2005 at 12:23 am

I did really well yesterday as far as finances went. I slept very poorly (90 degrees out, hot even at midnight when I got out of work), kept trying unsuccessfully to sleep. Finally a tepid bath did the trick, and I was asleep when I heard "Bonsai!" rapidly followed by a little person jumping on me in bed.
My daughter and grandson were going to be going to lunch with my ex-mil once my son returned ... and brought my car back. We all ended up being treated to lunch, and then i had to go to work. My-exmil always shops at Aldi's and spends money on very little. Her house has been paid off for something like 30 years, and she never worked out of the home consistantly. I was just getting ready to say something really snippy, but my point is that I should use her as a guide when I start spending too much, my personal reminder that I never want to owe my life to a company or person financially. Today $3.98 spent, since I didn't have time to pack or eat a meal before taking my son to get his newest vehicle. Hope this one lasts more than 2-3 months---

busy weekend

June 28th, 2005 at 12:52 am

Friday was a run around day for me, at least when my son didn't have my car... Spent $8 on yarn. I crochet for the newborns at a local hospital, for their PICU, and they made a request for more items. Realized Saturday I should have bought a little more, so Sunday bought 2 more skeins of Boucle and some clearance fabric. My grandson has decided he needs to be a superhero when he grows up, so I bought a black backgound fabric with tons of blue sparkles all over it. It appears not to unravel, so the associate at the store thought I should be able to make a tie, or use a button, or Velcro to make it easy for him to fasten/unfasten. Did I mention he's 3 1/2? The fabric is so wide that I'm thinking another cape may make it to the next craft fair...
Saturday was cleaning/laundry/returning calls/dishes... all the fun stuff. At least I got to top it off with a hotel stay locally, at a site that had a pool. 94 degrees is very usual for us and I had been suffering. I will be reimbursed for the hotel, room service and a restaurant meal. My kind of shop! Today I've spent $$ eating out. It wasn't supposed to happen that way, but I didn't expect to be babysitting DGS last night, or getting up at 05:30 to complete paperwork I''m working until midnight, and my 2 coworkers both called in sick. It very rarely happens, and I'd rather see them feeling good than miserable all week because they stayed when they shouldn't have. Because of this, and since 1 was late notice, I had to buy a salad for supper. Altogether $24 spent today including parking. The only $ I spent yesterday unmentioned was $1.50 in library fines, and $1.75 fo r the Sunday paper. Any ideas on how to manage so much life without time to cook?

Starting for Christmas

June 24th, 2005 at 12:45 am

Ok, I've officially begun Christmas shopping. I went to Bath and Body Works and took advantage of their semi-annual sale. My older nephews in NYC are now taken care of. I also make gift baskets normally for the people who work under me, and I'm starting to gather the first few items for those. Spent $51.03 at BBW, $30 on food out recently, $10.03 at Rite-Aid, but will be getting $5 of that back in rebates, $1.20 more in deposits. Using coupons from their ad, combined with rebate I will have spent $2 after deposits for bottles are redeemed for a case of 1/2 liter Spite bottles. I rarely buy the stuff, but my daughter and grandson love it. Once or twice a year I can live with that! Bought clothes for my grandson, but it looks like i can return nearly all of that. Yeah! My daughter is getting a financial education that doesn't involve me always bailing her out. I know it takes some time to learn about budgeting, but she's 26. High time...

Feel like a rat in a rut

June 22nd, 2005 at 12:52 am

Went to class last week re: supervision, found out no early retirement incentives likely for at least 6-7 years. Ugh. Just paid some bills, so I'm feeling more in a rut than usual today, all of it financial...
Paid: $300 Utility company, monthly bill, $50 other utility company, they claim from past years, $50 phone. I had also planned on paying my mortgage with this paycheck, but now that can't happen. Exasperated! Also spent $7.48 at dollar store, household mostly, and bought $6.80 in gas. Still need to get gas leak checked out. Will have a mystery shop this weekend at a hotel, little gas used for this, and sweet access to a pool Wink
Have another shop lined up for next week to get my oil changed. I'd like to know where the "fix your house, Lady", and "I'll take care of your mortgage payment this month" shops are!?!?! Discovered this site, and this journal keep me honest. I find it far too easy otherwise to justify spending when I should not ...
Thanks for letting me sound off.

Lets get straight

June 9th, 2005 at 12:48 am

Realized I haven't posted for a bit, so lelt me start out with 'fessin' up... A couple of busy days again, $3.50 spent for a mystery shop, will return $13.50. $.10 for printout, $5.40 BBW semi-annual sale, $5.40 $ Tree- junk food, and household goods, $12 food out, $4 soda in appreciation to fellow who borrowed a van to help me pick up a full kitchen cabinet front set someone had posted on Freecycle. Hopefully, one less thing I need to spend $$ on to fix up my house... Over 90 today, haven't used AC yet

Edited to add transactions not yet recorded: $84.28 groceries from Sunday, $16.82 yesterday taking ex-mil out for lunch. She ends up housebound usually because she's in the early stages of Alzheimers and not always easy to control. I still wouldn't want to be in her shoes, so will continue to do for her what I reasonably can despite divorcing her son ~20 years ago. She's still my kids' grandma.

The True Cost of Procrastination

June 7th, 2005 at 04:10 am

I realized I hadn't posted a bill I paid today. A bill I am quite angry at myself over, and a bit at my taxpreparer... State tax $189.20. Penalties, interest-late filing $373.49... Also $10.04 in gas, still have leak in tank, still haven't found time to spend an entire day at dealership for them to look at it. Dealership no longer has free use of car either... CC bill for car rental/nephew's graduation $102.58. Rite-Aid $.99 after rebates come in. Will add groceries when I have figures in front of me. So glad no one seems to mind that I am posting all my finances here except adding paycheck, it really helps keep my honest! Nearly forgot $7.04 dinner...

Weekend tally

June 7th, 2005 at 01:08 am

So I was last here on Friday night... ended up getting food out AGAIN $5.41. Saturday went garage-saling and foudn just a few things... Duplo blocks in a crate, talked down to $4 from $5... also a Lego table, not very large and some Legos to go in it for $2.50 TADA! Happy mommalita here. I will put this away until Joshua is a bit older, perhaps Christmas or his next birthday, 3 weeks before Christmas. I've been buying him toys, and honestly he needs less than he has, but to have the current goodies switched from time to time to help in the boredom department. I think a savings bond and garage sale goodies will make more sense (cents?!) at this tender age. Spent what for me is a lot on groceries, but didn't eat or drink out at all. I comparison priced and went to a Super WalMart the next city over to get price matches from my usual stores. Let Wally pay for me to cherry pick! I only do this a couple times a year, and always spend less than $100, and normally when no one store has enough specials to justify a drive. Spent Sunday 4-10:30 pm watching the little Mr. Wonderful, and played at making pix with sidewalk chalk FAR from Rite-Aid around Easter time. Watered the lawn where we're trying to grow lawn from seed, and Josh thought it was super. Cooled him off, and he ran around with the dog enough to exhaust himself. Bathtime, then, guess you know him well, The Aristocats. Twice in a row. So glad I found that reasonably priced on Ebay. Trying to encourage Josh to have fun with Nana without our usual shopping or going out to eat. More my issues than his I guess... he didn't want to go home again. Wink
Used my JCPenney coupon ($10) to buy a pair of sterling silver earrings that were on sale. The sale price was $10, and they didn't even charge me tax! Happy camper. Bought a pretzel and drink, but that was for a mystery shop, so I'll be reimbursed. Tried to do this shop Saturday,but unintentionally went outside the time guidelines, so did it again today. Saturday took advantage of time alone to go to a movie, using a pass and buying only the Regal Cinema's Reel Time package, designed for kids with a small drink, a bit of popcorn, and a snack-sized candy. At $4.50 a better deal than anything else offered at the consession stand,and just right for me...

low spend day, so far...

June 4th, 2005 at 01:27 am

Spent $10.37 on gas; $.50 on snacks. Daughter and grandson came over again, this time after my lunch was in the oven... Joshua happy, Nana a little hungry. Make cupcakes since I had to heat the oven anyway, and this was appreciated by all. I used to bake all the time and they took it for granted, but now they seem to recognize the effect much better. Prolly age related as well. Busy night at work, but no new bills came in today, no big expenses so I'm happy. Going to hit a garage sale at a development tomorrow that often brings inexpensive goodies. Will be watching dgs at least one night this weekend too, so will try to hit the library for more videos/dvds. Getting tired of his favorite Aristocats! Trying to decide where to put some money for growth/emergency. Might be able to "retire" in as little as 6 years, but expect I'd really just be changing jobs if enything. Need to find a way to maintain reasonably priced health insurance as my health issues seem to grow ever more substantial. Having this board/these journals has been very helpful to keeping me on track; thanks for offering them!

busy day...

June 3rd, 2005 at 12:09 am

A pretty busy day today. Daughter and grandson came over, and started going through his toy box at Nana's. Now 1 box trash, 1 box donation, and a toy box no longer overflowing. She wanted to move a piece of furniture that's been at my house for better than 2 years, and I've been asking, nicely, when she might like to have it Wink While I was watching dgs, my son was getting old crap out of the backyard that I've been trying to get rid of for years. What a wonderful guy! Old bf will not be happy, but I stored stuff for roughly 5 years, and gave him many warnings. My son needed help, so 4 of his friends came over. Since I work til midnight I usually get to sleep in, but not today. I didn't feel right eating with everyone else working so ended up eating out, and getting take-out w/ worker buds. A whooping $29.14 spent in silly ways today. Nothing else spent, and today was payday (every 2 weeks), so I'm happy I didn't do more damage... Also had to be at work early today, so will prolly go home at 11pm, an early night! LOL

New Month, slow start toward goals

June 1st, 2005 at 11:48 pm

Picked up dog and old boyfriend today; we share custody of Holly, an 11 year old Dalmation. Holly enjoyed her time at camp with him, but curled up in the car to sleep right away. Jim and I went to Pizza Hut for lucch, and got the buffet, using a buy 1/ get 1 free coupon, so $6.75 spent there; he tipped. Had ice cream for dessert at a drive thru place, and spent $5.50 for 2 cones. I thought my heart would just stop! We also saw a young woman who we helped over the holidays as she was in bad straits. She is now pregnant with child 2, apart from boyfriend, unmarried and older child is 31/2 or so. She moved back in with her mom and is talking about getting her GED again. It was interesting to hear that she expects to support herself and 2 kids on a $8 /hour job, once she gets her GED. She's about 21 or so, and it amazes me that she's so naive. I will try to think of her before I spend more money foolishly! Was able to deposit $1944 from tax refunds (2 years), mystery shopping and surveys. Slowly but surely... Oops, also spent $.50 on a snack.

a bit better...

June 1st, 2005 at 03:27 am

Still not feeling terrific, an asthmatic with sinus infections just isn't a good time! Lungs are so scarred that I'm taking too long to get over this. Bought comfort food $2, meds $2, and sent paperwork for a $34.50 reimbursement from a mystery shop. Trying to do less procrastinating about paperwork, but I'm finding I need to rethink my whole mindset. Does anyone here chart progess as far as finances, I wonder? Perhaps seeing it day-to-day would remind me to be more effective in my pursuit of retirement some day. Many goals still to accomplish, just need to stop shooting myself in the foot! Hoping for good weekend weather and ripe strawberries. I'd like to make strawberry jam again, and my sister loves apple butter. Found a great deal once on kiwis and used those to make jelly, and boy was it a hit!


May 31st, 2005 at 04:29 am

Haven't been posting because I've been sick. Since Friday I've spent $10 co-pay for doctor, $20 script, $7 in cough medicines and Tylenol, $3.98 on comfort food. Much better than I usually do. Also spent $5.42 on videos... local store has 5 for $5 for 1 week, and I've been awake at weird times coughing. Spent nothing Sat or Sun as I didn't leave the house. Today paid mortgage, bought $69 groceries, hadn't bought anything for 10 days, and then it was only bread so I'm pretty happy. Still want to figure out how to have a frugal social life while still working 4-midnight... Thanks for the responses to posts, it really helps!


May 25th, 2005 at 12:11 am

The trip was a success in unexpected ways! My son is starting to really get the whole frugality thing.
I had to make an early morning Walmart run while my son (22) was still sleeping, and when I got back home he'd gotten out a large cooler, filled it with ice, ham, bread, and sodas. I added a bit of fruit, and brought the snacks into the car and we were happy for quite a long time. Turned out that was a good thing, because we didn't eat a meal until 11pm that night. My daughter charged the pizza on a credit card... She was supposed to take my son and I out for dinner for different celebrations but had little $$ to bring. I think she expected that everyone else would pay her way as we'd done before. She's 26 now, and it's time she carry more of her own weight. I paid for the rental car, gas, 1 lunch, most tolls (son picked up up the rest), tip for room maid. My sister is willing to eat the whole cost of the hotel we stayed at because they chose an expensive one. ($600 for 2 rooms 2 nights). This is nearly my house payment! I think I'll send a check for $150 to my sister and brother-in-law. they are very good to me, and my daughter made my immediate family all late for the graduations we'd gone to see. We were so late that we only made it to 1 of 2!
Our spending was pretty under control, and planned for. I had no credit card debt, and expect to pay the charge for the car as soon as the bill arrives. I expect to spend money on gar and groceries, pay the mortgage this week, but hopefully no other bit expenses. Anyone have ideas on how not to feel like the poor relation?

Procrastination rears its ugly head again

May 20th, 2005 at 03:31 am

Got a letter from my state tax dept. today about owing penalties and interest. Once again I'm my own worst enemy by procrastination... On the good side of the day, dog will be happy all weekend visiting with other doggies. The flip side of that is that Holly will be with my ex-bf and his on-the-way-to-being-new-gf. Good for them, but a bit sad for me. Hard to see someone you care about continue to make the same mistakes of not becoming happy with who they are and looking to others to make them feel good. Financially I feel okay about today. My kids and grandson are headed to NYC for a college graduation. Gift money out, trip money out, but I do get to see all my living sibs and their families Wink Very important! I'm renting a car, getting a pretty good internet rate, then improving it with a code found on, a site mostly used my frequent fliers, organizing to save maximum $$ and get maximum rewards out of various programs. Interesting site. Found snacks for trip on sale at Rite-Aid, esp. useful when traveling with a 3 year old. Still need to fax receipts for reimbursement from Ms, and make a copy of a ticket also for reimbursement, but for a different company. Those 2 companies should be sending checks totalling around $200, so I need to do that quickly. May not be able to post again until Monday or so, have a frugal fun time everyone!

Catch up time

May 18th, 2005 at 11:24 pm

Trying to get through a bunch of paperwork and catch up on "should do"s and all kinds of things I've been procrastinating on. The bad news is that I still have to fax and mail a couple of items. The good news is that I have about $200 of checks to deposit from little jobs done over the past month or two. Much of it is actually reimbursement, but I still like the direction of the cash flow! Spent about $275 today on car repairs/maintenance. Haven't had to spend anything on the car for about 5 months, so I'm fine with that. Also spent $6 having lunch when the car took 3 hours (problem found) instead of the half hour expected. I would have been late for work if I tried to eat at home. Preparing for a trip to NYC this weekend with my kids and grandson to see a nephew graduate from college. Fun, but expensive...

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