Home > Another clean up day

Another clean up day

July 26th, 2005 at 08:39 pm

Got an email last night from someone in one of my crochet-for-charity groups asking about local donations and contacts. Called at 6am to leave a message for the child life specialist so she'd know the cavalry was coming. I've been donating hats and booties and small blankets to the local PICU which does heart surgery on full term-sized infants. The last time I had another 30 items ready I was asked to hold off for a little while as they had a good supply. I said great, if no calls in the next few weeks I'll donate them elsewhere. Two months pass, I donate them to the Lullabye League through Catholic Charities. They were thrilled! Another week passes, I get the "more items, please" call. I've been producing as quickly as I can, but have many pressures on my time now. Getting a person from another charity involved should ease the stress for everyone. Needed to spend several hours getting everyone's okay to share information, addys, etc. Next project was calling the vet over Holly. Not only will they not see her without ex's past bill paid, I can't get her records either. Not a happy camper, but have made an appointment with another vet for her for Thursday. Since
I have no record of her shots, I'm imagining a rather large bill...
Took myself out for lunch today. I've been doing much better in keeping track of funds, and was starting to feel deprived. It was record-breaking hot and quite humid, and I really didn't want to cook anything. Spend ~$17. No other $$ spent so far today. Made a call on behalf of a coworker last night to the local Hilton. He's taken his girlfriend for a special "romantic" evening for her birthday and spent about $200 for a romance package. Around here you can get a room for ~$50-$60 a night, but this was to include jacuzzi, bubble bath, massage oils, wine on ice, breakfast, snacks of your choosing from their selection. He notified the hotel ahead of time so they'd know exactly what time they were arriving (10pm). Water in the ice bucket, no way to open the wine bottle, no snacks, no bubblebath, no massage oil. The hotel is supposed to try to make it up to him... He wouldn't complain for himself in front of the girl (easily embarrassed), and the next day was saying it was a done deal. Sure, you can't recreate the night, but the hotel has an obligation in my mind to attempt some type of compensation.
Called my ex's gf and asked her if she wanted to hold a tag sale for me, reaping 30% of the profits. She said only if she got no $$. I refused. She's only working part time at a poorly paying job at the moment, and I'm trying to see that she can make some cash. I suspect we'll chat about this again. If it works out, more cash for the $5k challenge!

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