Home > Help me improve this weekend's spending

Help me improve this weekend's spending

July 6th, 2005 at 02:56 am

Let's see. The movie was a big expense, but no library rentals would do since no player worked. Cheap theater would have messed up his schedule, which I've been trying to normalize. Big difference in behavior when he has an idea of what to expect, even if it's because we talk about the possiblities for the day the night before. Clothes... could have, for myself would have gone to a thrift store but his mom would throw the clothes out. Not much savings if he's not allowed to wear them. Didn't buy junk food this trip at the grocery store, and hadn't shopped much recently. Sunday paper is the only newspaper I usually buy, and often save $$ due to ads; 3 grocery stores nearby, shop for deals aka cherrypick. First weekend I can remember when I didn't take him out to eat at all, or me either as far as that goes. Any critique? I need to do better!

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